Thanks for your interest in Minnesota writers.
Minnesota has a vibrant literary legacy that continues to grow through the contributions of today’s writers. The Minnesota Writers Directory connects these writers with people who want to hear more about their stories and their craft.
With this directory, event hosts, literary organizers, teachers, arts administrators, librarians, and booksellers throughout Minnesota can find local authors who might be a good fit for their programming. Minnesota writers have the opportunity to reach a broader audience, and booklovers can find more inspiration from their home state.
The site is designed to be user-friendly, living, and comprehensive. Authors are vetted with thorough criteria through the application process and profiles are updated regularly. We hope this ultimately leads to more meaningful connections between readers and writers.
About Us
The Minnesota Writers Directory is a project of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library as the Minnesota Center for the Book. The Center for the Book is an initiative of the Library of Congress, established by law in 1977 to promote books and libraries, literacy and reading across the country. The Library of Congress has designated a Center for the Book in all 50 states; The Friends was honored with this designation in 2012. The Centers are designed to celebrate each state's literary heritage, strengthen their communities, and foster civic engagement.
We'd love to hear from you! Send us your feedback by filling out the form below.

This project is made possible in part by the State of Minnesota through a grant to the Minnesota Department of Education.
We have just a few fine print things. Here they are:
The views expressed by the authors are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Friends or any other agency, organization, employer, or company.
The Friends is not responsible for communication between you and the authors. When you contact an author, it is up to you to coordinate any further details about possible events, etc.