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Laura Ashwood

Laura Ashwood is an award-winning, USA Today bestselling author of sweet contemporary and historical western romance, and women’s fiction. In her novels, Ashwood brings to life characters and relationships that will warm your heart and fill you with hope. Her stories often have themes involving redemption, forgiveness, and family. Ashwood and her husband live in northeast Minnesota. She works a full time day job, and in her spare time, she likes to read, cook, and spend time with her husband. She is a devoted grandmother and chihuahua lover.

Recent & Notable Works

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One Sweet Christmas (Self-published, 2024)

Summer at Bluefin Bay (Self-published, 2022)

Royally Unexpected (Self-published, 2022)

A Little Something Sweet (Self-published, 2022)

Courting Danger (Self-published, 2022)

A Groom By Surprise (Self-published, 2021)

A Groom for Ruby (Self-published, 2021)

A Groom for Violet (Self-published, 2021)

Romancing the Royal (Sweet Promise Press, 2019)

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