


Historical Fiction

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Mary Casanova

Once a can’t-sit-still reader, Mary Casanova now writes stories that matter and books readers can’t put down. She is the author of numerous award-winning books, from picture books (One-Dog Canoe) to books and book-inspired movies for American Girl (Grace); from middle grade adventure novels (Wolf Shadows and The Klipfish Code) as well as historical fiction (Frozen and Ice-Out). Her awards include the ALA “Notable,” Aesop Accolades by the American Folklore Society, Booklist Editor’s Choice, and two Minnesota Book Awards. When she’s not traveling for research or speaking, she’s “up north” on the Minnesota-Canadian border with her husband, Charlie, snowshoeing through deep woods, paddling a canoe, riding their horses down old logging trails, or reading a good book.

Recent & Notable Works



Picture Books

Hush Hush, Forest, illustrated by Nick Wroblewski (University of Minnesota Press, 2018)

Wake Up, Island, illustrated by Nick Wroblewski (University of Minnesota Press, 2016)

One-Dog Sleigh (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013)

Some Cat! (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012)

The Day Dirk Yeller Came To Town (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011)

Utterly Otterly Night (Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2011)

Utterly Otterly Day (Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2008)

Some Dog! (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007)

One-Dog Canoe (Melanie Kroupa Books, 2003)

The Hunter, illustrated by Ed Young (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2000)

Dog Watch Series (Aladdin Paperbacks)
The Turtle Hatching Mystery, Book 6 (2008)
Extreme Stunt Dogs, Book 5 (2007)
To Catch a Burglar, Book 4 (2007)
Danger at Snow Hill, Book 3 (2006)
Dog-Napped! Book 2 (2006)
Trouble in Pembrook, Book 1 (2006)

American Girl Series
Menace at Mammoth Cave: a Kit Mystery (American Girl, 2018)
The Showstopper: a Rebecca Mystery (American Girl, 2018)
Grace (American Girl, 2015)
Grace Stirs It Up (American Girl, 2015)
Grace Makes It Great (American Girl, 2015)
McKenna (American Girl, 2012)
McKenna Shoots for the Stars (American Girl, 2012)
Chrissa (American Girl, 2009)
Chrissa Stands Strong (American Girl, 2009)
Jess (Pleasant Co. Publications, 2006)
Cécile, Gates of Gold (Pleasant Co. Publications, 2002)

Middle Grade Novels

The Klipfish Code (Houghton Mifflin Co., 2007)

When Eagles Fall (Hyperion Books for Children, 2002; University of Minnesota Press, 2014)

Curse of a Winter Moon (Hyperion Books for Children, 2000; University of Minnesota Press, 2013)

Stealing Thunder (Hyperion Books for Children, 1999; University of Minnesota Press, 2014)

Wolf Shadows (Hyperion Books for Children, 1997; University of Minnesota Press, 2013)

Riot (Hyperion Books for Children, 1996; University of Minnesota Press, 2014)

Moose Tracks (Hyperion Books for Children, 1995; University of Minnesota Press, 2013)

Young Adult Novels

Ice-Out (University of Minnesota Press, 2016)

Frozen (University of Minnesota Press, 2012)


Mary Casanova and You (Libraries Unlimited, 2006)

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