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Kristin Eggerling

Kristin Eggerling enjoys writing and editing books, articles, grants, and newsletters. She loves telling the story of places and people, the editing process, and helping others communicate in a clear, concise, and creative way. She is the author of a children’s book about wilderness advocate and writer Sigurd Olson and is passionate about preserving wild places and exposing kids to the outdoors. Eggerling has a B.A. in sociology from Augsburg College and an M.A. in sociology from the University of Manitoba. She is a freelance writer, Promotions Specialist for the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council, and Communications Coordinator at C&M. She serves on many boards focused on conservation, art, and community development. Eggerling lives in Hallock and Minneapolis.

Recent & Notable Works



Breath of Wilderness: The Life of Sigurd Olson (Fulcrum Publishing, 2016)

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