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Nicole Helget

Nicole Helget is the multigenre author of six books for adults and young readers. She and her work have been recognized in People magazine’s “Critic’s Choice,” as a Barnes and Noble “Discover New Writers” selection, as a Minnesota State University “Distinguished Alumni,” and with many literary and service grants, nominations, and awards. She has a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and is pursuing a Master of Public Policy concentrating in rural arts, education, and environmental issues. With her family, she lives in St. Peter where she works as a teacher, editor, and manuscript and story consultant.

Recent & Notable Works

The End of the Wild (2017)
stillwater (2014)
Wonder at the Edge of the World (2015)
Helget_cover_2014 stillwater


Be Good, Peanut Butter!, illustrated by Erin McClean (River Horse Books, 2022)

The End of the Wild (Little, Brown and Company/Hachette Book Group, 2017)

Wonder at the Edge of the World (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2015)

Stillwater (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014)

Horse Camp (EgmontUSA, 2012)

The Turtle Catcher (Mariner Books, 2010)

The Summer of Ordinary Ways (Borealis Books/Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2005)

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