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Dianna Hunter

Dianna Hunter is the author of two nonfiction books, Wild Mares: My Lesbian Back-to-the-Land Life and Breaking Hard Ground: Stories of the Minnesota Farm Advocates. Both were finalists for the Minnesota Book Award. She was a farmer and farm advocate before beginning a career in writing and college teaching. She directed programs in writing and gender equity and taught writing and women’s and gender studies at four universities, including the University of Wisconsin-Superior, from which she retired in 2012. She has published, read, and performed short stories, poetry, journalism, and creative nonfiction in many regional and national venues and now writes, gardens, and forages urban green spaces in Duluth, Minnesota.

Recent & Notable Works



Clouded Waters (Holy Cow! Press, 2023)

Wild Mares: My Lesbian Back-to-the-Land Life (University of Minnesota Press, 2018)

Breaking Hard Ground: Stories of the Minnesota Farm Advocates (Holy Cow! Press, 1990)

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