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Mary Krugerud

Mary Krugerud’s B.A. in Writing from Metropolitan State University led to a career in grant development at Normandale Community College. Her independent projects focused on historical tuberculosis. Krugerud’s book, Interrupted Lives: Tuberculosis in Minnesota and Glen Lake Sanatorium, detailed how patients experienced treatment at a sanatorium. In 2015, she received a Minnesota Historical Society Legacy Fellowship to expand research. Her website,, describes Minnesota’s tuberculosis facilities. She edited a collection of letters that became The Girl in Building C: The True Story of a Teenage Tuberculosis Patient. In 2021, she collaborated to complete Jon Willand’s book Lac qui Parle County: 150 Years of History.

Recent & Notable Works

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Lac qui Parle County — 150 Years of History, Vol. 1, co-editor, with author Jon Willand (Lac qui Parle County Historical Society, 2021)

The Girl in Building C: The True Story of a Teenage Tuberculosis Patient (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2018)

Interrupted Lives: The History of Tuberculosis in Minnesota and Glen Lake Sanatorium (North Star Press, 2017)

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