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Naomi Musch

Naomi Musch crafts American historical fiction from the Lake Superior north woods. Her novel Mist O’er the Voyageur was a 2019 Selah Awards finalist, Book-of-the-Year finalist, and NE Minnesota Book Awards finalist. Among her newest releases are the sequel Song for the Hunter and her home front novel Season of My Enemy (Heroines of WWII). Musch is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers; the Lake Superior Writers; and Faith, Hope, and Love Christian Writers. She enjoys roaming about her family’s deer farm, snacking out of the garden, relaxing in her vintage camper, and loving on her passel of grandchildren.

Recent & Notable Works

Musch_cover_2022 song hunger
Musch_cover_2022 season-enemy
Musch_cover_2022 lumberjack
Musch_cover_2019 Brightest-Hope


Song for the Hunter (Iron Stream Media, 2022)

Season of My Enemy (Heroines of WWII) (Barbour Publishing, 2022)

Lumberjacks & Ladies: Four Stories of Romance Among the Pines (Barbour Publishing, 2022)

The Black Rose: Empire in Pine, Book 3 (Long Lake Books, 2020)

The Red Fury: Empire in Pine, Book 2 (Long Lake Books, 2020)

The Green Veil: Empire in Pine, Book 1 (Long Lake Books, 2020)

The Brightest Hope: Echoes of the Heart, Book 3 (Long Lake Books, 2019)

The Highlanders Collection ~ A Tender Siege (Smitten Historical Romance/Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, 2019)

Mist O’er the Voyageur (Smitten Historical Romance/Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, 2018)

The Softest Breath: Echoes of the Heart, Book 2 (Desert Breeze Publishing, 2018)

The Deepest Sigh: Echoes of the Heart, Book 1 (Desert Breeze Publishing, 2017)

The Love Coward (Desert Breeze Publishing, 2015)

Paint Me Althena (Desert Breeze Publishing, 2014)

Trevelyan~A Tale of Beauty & The Beast (Desert Breeze Publishing, 2013)

Heart Not Taken (Black Lyon Publishing, 2010)

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