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Thom Tammaro
For 34 years, Thom Tammaro taught English and writing at Minnesota State University Moorhead, where he was one of the founders of the MFA in Creative Program. He retired as Professor Emeritus in 2017. He is the recipient of three Minnesota Book Awards for anthologies he has edited. He is the author of three full-length collections of poetry, 23 Poems, Holding on for Dear Life, and When The Italians Came To My Hometown, a finalist for a Minnesota Book Award; and two chapbooks, 31 Mornings in December and Minnesota Suite. His poems, essays, reviews, and interviews with poets have appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines including American Poetry Review, The Bloomsbury Review, Chicago Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and others.
Recent & Notable Works

Invisible World: Fifty Tiny Poems of Walt Whitman (Red Dragonfly Press, 2022)
Italian Days & Hours (Competent Backstop Press, 2020)
Visiting Bob: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Bob Dylan, co-editor with Alan Davis (New Rivers Press, 2018)
23 Poems (Red Dragonfly Press, 2016)
31 Mornings in December (Red Dragonfly Press, 2009)
To Sing Along the Way: Minnesota Women Poets from Pre-Territorial Days to the Present, co-editor with Joyce Sutphen and Connie Wanek (New Rivers Press, 2006)
Visiting Dr. Williams: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of William Carlos Williams, co-editor with Sheila Coghill (University of Iowa Press, 2005)
Visiting Frost: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Robert Frost, co-editor with Sheila Coghill (University of Iowa Press, 2005)
Holding on for Dear Life (Spoon River Poetry Press, 2004)
Visiting Walt: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Walt Whitman, co-editor with Sheila Coghill (University of Iowa Press, 2003)
Visiting Emily: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Emily Dickinson, co-editor with Sheila Coghill (University of Iowa Press, 2000)
L ́Emigrazione Molisana E La Condizione Degli Umli. Per Una Letture della poesia di Thom Tammaro. a cura di Maria Grazia Tagliaferri (Comune di Sepino, 1999)
When the Italians Came to My Home Town (Spoon River Poetry Press, 1995)
Imagining Home: Writing from the Midwest, co-editor with Mark Vinz (University of Minnesota Press, 1995)
Inheriting the Land: Contemporary Voices from the Midwest, co-editor with Mark Vinz (University of Minnesota Press, 1993)
Remembering James Wright, by Robert Bly, editor (Ally Press, 1991)
Stirring the Deep: The Poetry of Mark Vinz, editor (Spoon River Poetry Press, 1989)
Common Ground: A Gathering of Poems on Rural Life, co-editor with Mark Vinz (Dacotah Territory Press, 1988)
Minnesota Suite (Spoon River Poetry Press, 1987)
Roving Across Fields: A Conversation and Uncollected Poems 1942-82, by William Stafford, editor (Barnwood Press, 1983)
The View from the Top of the Mountain, co-editor (Barnwood Press, 1981)