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Mubanga Kalimamukwento
Mubanga Kalimamukwento is a Zambian lawyer, writer, and editor. She is the author of Shipikisha, Another Mother Does Not Come When Yours Dies: Poems,...

David Nash
David Nash is an author and singer songwriter known for his warm, rhythmic, and heartfelt style. He plays in and around the Driftless Region...

Sarah Ghazal Ali
Sarah Ghazal Ali is a Pakistani American writer. She is the author of the poetry collection Theophanies, winner of the GLCA New Writers Award...

Lindsay Starck
Lindsay Starck was born in Wisconsin and raised in the Milwaukee Public Library. She is the author of the novels Noah's Wife and Monsters...

Jayna Locke
Jayna Locke is a Minnesota writer who has had a lifelong love of fiction. Her short stories have appeared in a range of literary...

Teresa Peterson
Teresa Peterson (Upper Sioux Community) is author of Perennial Ceremony: Lessons and Gifts from a Dakota Garden. She and her uncle, Super LaBatte co-authored...

David Gardiner
David Gardiner is a poet, editor, and professor who was born and raised in Chicago. From 2006 to 2010, he was founder and editor...

Scott F. Wolter
Scott Wolter, a forensic geologist, has worked as a petrographer since 1985. In 1990, he founded American Petrographic Services and continues to serve as...
Tony Wirt
Tony Wirt was born in Lake Mills, Iowa, and got his first taste of publication in first grade, when his essay on Airplane II: The Sequel appeared in the Lake Mills Elementary School’s Creative Courier. He’s a graduate of the University of Iowa and spent nine years doing media relations in the Hawkeye Athletic Department.…
Read More Scott F. Wolter
Scott Wolter, a forensic geologist, has worked as a petrographer since 1985. In 1990, he founded American Petrographic Services and continues to serve as President. He has been the principal petrographer in more than 7,000 material forensic investigations throughout the world, including the evaluation of fire-damaged concrete from the Pentagon following the attacks of September…
Read More Bryan Thao Worra
Bryan Thao Worra is the Lao Minnesotan Poet Laureate and holds over 20 national and international awards for his writing and community leadership. He is the president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association and 2019 Joyce Fellow. He holds a 2009 NEA Fellowship in Literature, and represented the nation of Laos during the…
Read More Virginia Wright-Peterson
Virginia Wright-Peterson specializes in revealing untold narratives, especially the hidden stories of women. Her most recent book, A Woman’s War, Too reveals the roles taken by women from Minnesota during WWII, when they served in all branches of the military, and in industry, the home, and the community. Their heroism has not been adequately recognized.…
Read More Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer is one of Minnesota’s most recognizable broadcast journalists who has spent her career behind a microphone and in front of television cameras with time carved out to write books and produce documentaries. A multiple Emmy Award winning journalist, Wurzer is the co-host of “Almanac” on Twin Cities Public Television. On weekdays, she is…
Read More Vincent Wyckoff
Born and raised in Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Vincent Wyckoff attended the University of Minnesota before enlisting in the U.S. Army. While working for the U.S. Postal Service, he wrote Beware of Cat, a book that celebrates the lives of people on his route. For a short time he lived on the North Shore of Lake…
Read More Kao Kalia Yang
Kao Kalia Yang is an award-winning Hmong-American writer. She is the author of the memoirs: The Latehomecomer, The Song Poet, and Somewhere in the Unknown World. Her children’s books include: A Map Into the World, The Shared Room, and The Most Beautiful Thing. She co-edited the ground-breaking collection What God is Honored Here?: Writings on…
Read More Tracy Youngblom
Tracy Youngblom has been living and writing in the Twin Cities for 30 years. She earned an M.A. in English from the University of St. Thomas and an MFA in Poetry from Warren Wilson College. She has published widely in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; individual poems, stories, and essays have appeared in journals such as…
Read More Kevin Zepper
Kevin Zepper is a professor of English at Minnesota State University Moorhead. He teaches a variety of writing and Humanities classes. He is the author of book-length poetry collection, Moonman and has authored four chapbooks of poetry. Lines& Notes is a collaborative, creative effort with alchemical partner in crime, Professor Terrie Manno, Professor of Music,…
Read More Marie Zhuikov
Marie Zhuikov is a storyteller and poet from Duluth. Her novel Plover Landing was nominated for a Northeastern Minnesota Book Award. Her most recent work, Going Coastal: An Anthology of Lake Superior Short Stories, earned an honorable mention in the Northeastern Minnesota Book Awards. Zhuikov’s poems have appeared in several anthologies and community projects, and…
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