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Kalimamukwento-Mubanga_headshot_2025 edited

Mubanga Kalimamukwento

Mubanga Kalimamukwento is a Zambian lawyer, writer, and editor. She is the author of Shipikisha, Another Mother Does Not Come When Yours Dies: Poems,...

David Nash

David Nash is an author and singer songwriter known for his warm, rhythmic, and heartfelt style. He plays in and around the Driftless Region...

Sarah Ghazal Ali

Sarah Ghazal Ali is a Pakistani American writer. She is the author of the poetry collection Theophanies, winner of the GLCA New Writers Award...

Lindsay Starck

Lindsay Starck was born in Wisconsin and raised in the Milwaukee Public Library. She is the author of the novels Noah's Wife and Monsters...

Jayna Locke

Jayna Locke is a Minnesota writer who has had a lifelong love of fiction. Her short stories have appeared in a range of literary...

Teresa Peterson

Teresa Peterson (Upper Sioux Community) is author of Perennial Ceremony: Lessons and Gifts from a Dakota Garden. She and her uncle, Super LaBatte co-authored...
25-001 Portrait Day

David Gardiner

David Gardiner is a poet, editor, and professor who was born and raised in Chicago. From 2006 to 2010, he was founder and editor...

Scott F. Wolter

Scott Wolter, a forensic geologist, has worked as a petrographer since 1985. In 1990, he founded American Petrographic Services and continues to serve as...

Minda Gomez

Minda Gomez lives in Minnesota with her husband and three spunky bilingual kids. Their family has created their own brand of "Mexigringo" as they...

Karen Engstrom

Karen Engstrom writes short stories and historical fiction. The Fox is the first of a trilogy set in 1950’s northern Minnesota. Her short stories...

John Rosengren

John Rosengren is a freelance journalist and Pulitzer nominee who’s written for The Atlantic, GQ, The New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, and The Washington Post Magazine, among others. He’s authored 10 books, including Hank Greenberg: The Hero of Heroes, the definitive biography of the Jewish Hall of Famer, and the novel A Clean Heart. His work…
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Mary Kay Rummel

Mary Kay Rummel grew up in Saint Paul. She attended St. Catherine University and the University of Minnesota and is a professor emerita from the University of Minnesota, Duluth. The Lifeline Trembles, won the 2014 Blue Light Poetry Prize. Her first book, This Body She’s Entered, was a Minnesota Book Award winner. Love in the…
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Kurtis Scaletta

Kurtis Scaletta is the author of several novels for young readers including Mudville, Mamba Point, The Tanglewood Terror, The Winter of the Robots, and Rooting for Rafael Rosales. He also wrote the Topps League series. Scaletta was born in Louisiana, but moved a lot as a kid. He lived in five states and three foreign…
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Barbara Schlichting

Barbara Schlichting has been writing for as long as she can remember. “My grandpa gave me a pen and tablet when I was about ten, and I thought I’d died and gone to heaven,” says Schlicting. “My pen pal of 55 years is really the one who kept me writing and using my imagination. We…
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Ann Schoenbohm

Ann Schoenbohm holds an MFA in writing for children and young adults from Hamline University in Saint Paul, Minnesota and a BFA in acting from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. She currently volunteers with several organizations as a literacy tutor and teaches writing in Minneapolis community education programs. Rising Above Shepherdsville is her debut…
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Julie Schumacher

Julie Schumacher is the author of 11 books, including the national bestseller Dear Committee Members, winner of the Thurber Prize for American Humor. She has published five novels for younger readers, including The Book of One Hundred Truths, winner of a Minnesota Book Award; and a satirical coloring book about higher education called Doodling for…
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Darci Schummer

Darci Schummer hails from the village of Fall Creek, Wisconsin. Primarily a fiction writer, she is the author of the story collection Six Months in the Midwest, co-author of the poetry/prose collaboration Hinge, and author of the novel The Ballad of Two Sisters. Her fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in Ninth Letter, Folio, Jet…
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Kaethe Schwehn

Kaethe Schwehn is the author of the post-apocalyptic novel The Rending and the Nest, the poetry collection Tanka & Me, and a memoir, Tailings. Her poems and prose can be found in journals such as Crazyhorse, Pleiades, jubilat, Witness, Minnesota Review, and the anthology Fiction on a Stick. She has been the recipient of a…
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Newell Searle

Newell Searle grew up on a Minnesota farm and graduated from a vocational high school. After earning degrees in history from Macalester College and the University of Minnesota, he ditched an academic career to conduct public affairs for corporate, non-profit, and government agencies. His early writing focused on forest conservation. Later, he turned to fiction…
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Mary Seifert

Mary Seifert loves a good mystery and can never leave a brain teaser or puzzle go unchallenged – she can get lost for days. As a former math teacher, she brings numbers and logic to the Katie and Maverick Cozy Mystery mayhem game. When Seifert is not writing or reading, she’s making memories with family…
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