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Charles Baxter

Charles Baxter is the author of the novels The Feast of Love (nominated for the National Book Award), First Light, Saul and Patsy, Shadow Play, The Soul Thief, and The Sun Collective and story collections including Believers, Gryphon, and Harmony of the World. His stories have appeared in several anthologies, including The Best American Short Stories, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, and The O. Henry Prize Story Anthology. He has won the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in the Short Story. Baxter lives in Minneapolis.

Recent & Notable Works

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The Sun Collective (Pantheon, 2021)

There’s Something I Want You to Do (Pantheon, 2015)

The Stories of Sherwood Anderson, editor (Library of America, 2012)

Gryphon: New and Selected Stories (Pantheon, 2011)

The Soul Thief (Pantheon, 2008)

The Art of Subtext (Graywolf Press, 2007)

Saul and Patsy (Pantheon, 2003)

The Feast of Love (Pantheon, 2000)

Believers (Pantheon, 1997)

Burning Down the House (Graywolf Press, 1997)

Shadow Play (W. W. Norton, 1993)

A Relative Stranger (W. W. Norton, 1990)

First Light (Viking Press, 1987)

Through the Safety Net (Vintage, 1985)

Harmony of the World (Vintage, 1984)

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