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Leanne M. Benson

Leanne M. Benson is a children’s author and illustrator. She earned an Art degree from the University of Minnesota. Among other things, Benson has worked in the public-school systems as an Art Adventure Coordinator, and with students in the English Secondary Language program. She and her husband moved from the Twin Cities a few hours southeast to bluff country in 2008. There, the woodlands and wildlife inspire her to create fantastical journeys with intriguing characters. Accolades she received on her first book, The Lion of Tupungato, encouraged her to do more illustrations. Her rhythmical style can be seen in her published poetry in WINK magazine.

Recent & Notable Works

Benson_book cover_2019


The Unbelievable Topsy Turvy Day! (Forthcoming)

The Lion of Tupungato (Calumet Editions, 2019)

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