Search Results

David Nash
David Nash is an author and singer songwriter known for his warm, rhythmic, and heartfelt style. He plays in and around the Driftless Region...

Mike Mallow
Mike Mallow is an award-winning newspaper producer, photographer, and writer with more than 20 years in the newspaper industry. He is a West Virginia...

Tony Wirt
Tony Wirt was born in Lake Mills, Iowa, and got his first taste of publication in first grade, when his essay on Airplane II:...

Michael Keefe
Michael Keefe is a non-fiction ghostwriter and author of Minneapolis Burning. Uncategorized South East Minnesota Olmsted County Adults Nonfiction Book Club Visits 1...

Teresa Wilhelm Waldof
Teresa Waldof is the world's leading expert on the Ames Project section of the Manhattan Project. Her book, Wilhelm's Way: The Inspiring Story of...

Daniel E. Van Tassel
Author of Back to Barron, a chronicle of growing up in small-town-and-rural mid-century America, Daniel E. Van Tassel graduated from St. Olaf College and...

Mairead Small Staid
Mairead Small Staid is the author of The Traces. Born and raised in Massachusetts, she is a graduate of Pomona College and the University...

Naomi Hughes
Naomi Hughes writes quirky young adult sci-fi and fantasy, usually featuring monsters and mental health representation. Her novels include Refraction, which was described by...
Stephanie Wilbur Ash
Stephanie Wilbur Ash is the author of The Annie Year, a novel about a rural woman CPA who has an extra-marital affair with the new vocational teacher in town. A former editor at Mpls.St.Paul Magazine, Ash was one of the literary/musical comedians behind the Lit 6 Project (loud, drunken, funny, connected stories told in Midwest…
Read More Leanne M. Benson
Leanne M. Benson is a children’s author and illustrator. She earned an Art degree from the University of Minnesota. Among other things, Benson has worked in the public-school systems as an Art Adventure Coordinator, and with students in the English Secondary Language program. She and her husband moved from the Twin Cities a few hours…
Read More Candace Black
Candace Black grew up in southern California, often on U.S. Marine Corps bases. As a graduate student at the University of Montana, she studied with Richard Hugo and Madeline DeFrees. Her books of poetry include The Volunteer, Whereabouts, and the chapbook Casa Marina. Her nonfiction has appeared in several journals, including Pinyon, Great River Review,…
Read More Mary Bleckwehl
Mary Bleckwehl has spent her career promoting literacy and the love of learning. She taught for over 25 years and held administrative positions in higher education in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Minnesota. Bleckwehl grew up in a large farm family and quickly learned magic and grabbed every opportunity to read. Bleckwehl has three adult…
Read More Scott Dominic Carpenter
Scott Dominic Carpenter teaches literature and creative writing at Carleton College (Minnesota). Winner of a Mark Twain House Royal Nonesuch Prize (2018), he is the author of Theory of Remainders: A Novel (named to Kirkus Reviews’ “Best Books of 2013”) and of This Jealous Earth: Stories. His shorter work has appeared in a wide variety…
Read More Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Kirstin Cronn-Mills is a writer and teacher who lives in North Mankato with her family. She’s published both fiction and nonfiction for young adult readers. Three of her books have been finalists for the Minnesota Book Awards. Her novel, Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, won the American Library Association’s Stonewall Book Award in 2014.
Read More Allen Eskens
Allen Eskens is the bestselling author of The Life We Bury, The Guise of Another, The Heavens May Fall, The Deep Dark Descending, and The Shadows We Hide. He is the recipient of the Barry Award, Minnesota Book Award, Rosebud Award (Left Coast Crime), and Silver Falchion Award and has been a finalist for the…
Read More Mark E. Fisher
After authoring books of epic fantasy and historical fiction for the Christian and general market, Mark E. Fisher’s eighth novel, The Day the End Began, begins a series of Christian end-times thrillers based on the book of Revelation. Once a month, Fisher plays acoustic guitar in the church band. Periodically, he travels to foreign countries.…
Read More Rachael Hanel
Rachael Hanel is a nonfiction writer and the author of Not the Camilla We Knew: One Woman’s Path from Small-town America to the Symbionese Liberation Army, forthcoming in Fall 2022. She is also the author of We’ll Be the Last Ones to Let You Down: Memoir of a Gravedigger’s Daughter. The book was a finalist…
Read More Geoff Herbach
Geoff Herbach is the author of ten books, many for young adult audiences, including the award-winning Stupid Fast series (one of the books, Nothing Special, won the Minnesota Book Award). He focuses on writing things for kids who don’t want to read (not a great commercial choice, maybe!). When not writing, Herbach is teaching writing.…
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