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Mark Berriman

Mark Berriman is a published author, a poet and artist, musician, and active community leader. His most recent book is That Turned Ugly Fast, featuring a foreword by Viggo Mortensen. Berriman’s first book, Scar Lit, was written under the name Mark Edward Marston. He took a ten year break from writing poetry and then returned with the Soap Box Stomping Trilogy – Brutally Frank, Kink in the Chain, and That Turned Ugly Fast. All have been Minnesota Book Award nominees.

Recent & Notable Works

Berriman_Book Cover_2015
Kink in the Chain Cover_Kink in the Chain


That Turned Ugly Fast (North Star Press, 2015)

Kink in the Chain (North Star Press, 2013)

Brutally Frank (North Star Press, 2012)

Scar Lit (Pariah Press, 2003)

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