


Historical Fiction

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Roma Calatayud-Stocks

Award-winning novelist and composer Roma Calatayud-Stocks holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Music and Psychology from the University of Minnesota and post-graduate studies in creative writing from the University of St. Thomas. She is the author of two historical novels, A Song in My Heart, and A Symphony of Rivals. In line with her life passion to bring forth the contributions of all cultures through the arts, her narratives, set to music, provide a window to locations across the world, politics of the era, cultural diplomacy, and history. She has 20 years experience working for arts organizations including MacPhail Center for Music, Minneapolis Institute of Art, and Walker Art Center and has toured the United States presenting her work at universities, libraries, and book fairs.

Recent & Notable Works

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A Symphony of Rivals (Calumet Editions LLC, 2018)

A Song in My Heart (Calumet Editions LLC, 2011; 2nd ed. 2018)

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