Search Results

Michelle S. Phelps
Michelle S. Phelps is Professor of Sociology and Law at the University of Minnesota. Her research is in the sociology of punishment, focusing in...

Sonja Trom Eayrs
Sonja Trom Eayrs, author of Dodge County, Incorporated: Big Ag and the Undoing of Rural America, is a farmer’s daughter, rural advocate, and attorney....

Mubanga Kalimamukwento
Mubanga Kalimamukwento is a Zambian lawyer, writer, and editor. She is the author of Shipikisha, Another Mother Does Not Come When Yours Dies: Poems,...

Lindsay Starck
Lindsay Starck was born in Wisconsin and raised in the Milwaukee Public Library. She is the author of the novels Noah's Wife and Monsters...

Jayna Locke
Jayna Locke is a Minnesota writer who has had a lifelong love of fiction. Her short stories have appeared in a range of literary...

Maren Daniels
Maren Daniels, M.A. Ed., is the author-illustrator of The Elements of Art: An Elementary Teacher’s Guide to Color, Shape, Texture & More. As an...

Scott F. Wolter
Scott Wolter, a forensic geologist, has worked as a petrographer since 1985. In 1990, he founded American Petrographic Services and continues to serve as...

Court Ludwick
Court Ludwick is the author of These Strange Bodies and the founding editor-in-chief of Broken Antler Magazine. Her writing has been nominated for Best...
Maureen Millea Smith
Maureen Millea Smith is a librarian at the Hennepin County Edina Library. She received her Master of Arts in Library and Information Science from the University of Iowa and an MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of Wyoming in English Literature. Her novel, When Charlotte Comes Home,…
Read More Robert Spande
Robert Spande has worked as a 911 dispatcher for Minneapolis 911 for about 19 years. He wrote The Born and the Made over 10 years. When he was finished, he figured how to make a book from YouTube. As the publisher, he submitted his novel to the Minnesota Book Awards, where it became the first…
Read More Jane St. Anthony
Jane St. Anthony’s first middle-grade book, The Summer Sherman Loved Me, was followed by Grace Above All, Isabelle Day Refuses to Die of a Broken Heart (Minnesota Book Award Finalist and winner of the Midwest Booksellers Choice Award for Young Adult and Middle Grade), and Whatever Normal Is. For several years St. Anthony has taught…
Read More Michael Stanley
Michael Stanley is the pen name of the writing team Stanley Trollip (pictured) and Michael Sears. Their award-winning mysteries, featuring Detective Kubu, are set in Botswana. Death of the Mantis was an Edgar finalist and Deadly Harvest was an International Thriller Writers award finalist. The eighth Detective Kubu mystery, A Deadly Covenant, will be released…
Read More Lindsay Starck
Lindsay Starck was born in Wisconsin and raised in the Milwaukee Public Library. She is the author of the novels Noah’s Wife and Monsters We Have Made. Her short stories and essays have appeared in Ploughshares, the New England Review, AGNI, and The Southern Review, among other places. She currently writes and teaches in Minneapolis,…
Read More Chris Stedman
Chris Stedman is a writer and professor who lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the author of the books IRL and Faitheist. He is also the writer and host of Unread, named one of the best podcasts of 2021 by The Guardian, Vulture, the CBC, and others, and honored by the 2022 Webby Awards. Additionally,…
Read More Caren B. Stelson
Caren Stelson is a Minneapolis writer for children and young adults, with a passion for nonfiction. Her work explores stories that struggle with issues of war and peace. Sachiko: A Nagasaki Bomb Survivor’s Story is such a book, revealing the horrors of nuclear war and Sachiko Yasui’s long arc toward peace. Stelson visited Nagasaki, Japan…
Read More Adam Stemple
Adam Stemple is an author, musician, web designer, and professional card player. He has written eight novels, including Pay the Piper (with Jane Yolen), winner of the 2006 Locus Award winner for Best Young Adult Book. Of his debut solo novel, Singer of Souls, Anne McCaffrey said, “One of the best first novels I have…
Read More Sharon Stiteler
Sharon Stiteler has made it her goal to get paid to go birding. From bird surveys, to guiding, to writing, her life is all about birds. She currently works as a National Park Ranger and still writes in her spare time. Besides her books she’s written for Audubon Magazine, The Washington Post, Outdoor News, and…
Read More Sarah Stonich
Beginning with Vacationland, Stonich’s Northern Trilogy continued in September 2018 with the release of Laurentian Divide, winner of the Minnesota Book Award. Both have been chosen as community reads in a dozen cities. These Granite Islands was a Barnes & Noble Great New Writers pick with multiple translations, as was The Ice Chorus. Her Fishing…
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