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Holly Day
Holly Day has worked as a freelance writer for over 30 years, with more than 7,000 published articles, poems, and short stories and 40 books and chapbooks, including the nonfiction books Music Theory for Dummies, Music Composition for Dummies, Walking Twin Cities, Stillwater Minnesota: A Brief History, and History Lover’s Guide to Minneapolis. Her work includes the poetry books A Book of Beasts, The Tooth is the Largest Organ in the Human Body, Bound in Ice, and Cross-Referencing a Book of Summer. Day’s writing has been nominated for numerous awards including a National Magazine Award, a 49th Parallel Prize, and an Isaac Asimov Award.
Recent & Notable Works

Bound in Ice (Shanti Arts Publishing, 2021)
The Tooth is the Largest Organ in the Human Body (Anaphora Press, 2020)
A Book of Beasts (Weasel Press, 2020)
Where We Went Wrong (Clare Songbirds Publishing, 2019)
Tattoo FAQ: The Story Behind the Ink (Rowman & Littlefield/Globe Pequot/Backbeat, 2019)
Into the Cracks (Golden Antelope Press, 2019)
Folios of Dried Flowers and Pressed Birds (Cyberwit Publishing, 2019)
Cross-Referencing a Book of Summer (Silver Bow Publishing, 2019)
A History Lover’s Guide to Minneapolis (The History Press, 2019)
The Yellow Dot of a Daisy (Alien Buddha Press, 2018)
Teoriya muzyki dlya “chaynikov” (Dialektika Press/Taschenbuch, 2018)
In This Place, She Is Her Own (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, 2018)
I’m in a Place Where Reason Went Missing (Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2018)
A Wall to Protect Your Eyes (Pski’s Porch Publishing, 2018)
A Perfect Day for Semaphore (Finishing Line Press, 2018)
Teoría musical para Dummies (Ediciones Ceac, S.A., 2017)
Notenlesen für Dummies Das Pocketbuch (Taschenbuch, 2017)
Stillwater, Minnesota: A Brief History (The History Press, 2016)
Kleine noten lezen voor Dummies (Niederländisch, 2016)
Je me mets à la musique pour les nulls (Editions First, France, 2016)
Composição Musical Para Leigos (Alta Books, Brazil, 2016)
Ugly Girl (Shoemusic Press, 2015)
The Book Of (Damnation Books, 2015)
Nordeast Minneapolis: A History (The History Press, 2015)
Imparare la musica For Dummies (Hoepli, 2015)
The Smell of Snow (ELJ Publications, 2014)
Teoria muzyki dla bystrzaków (Helion SA, 2014)
Piano and Keyboard All-in-One for Dummies, 1st and 2nd editions (John Wiley & Sons, 2014, 2020)
Late-Night Reading for Hardworking-Construction Men (The Moon Publishing, 2014)
Musiktheorie für Dummies (Taschenbuch, 2012, 2020)
Walking Twin Cities, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions (Wilderness Press, 2009, 2013, 2018)
Komponieren für Dummies (Taschenbuch, 2009)
Guitar All-In-One for Dummies, 1st and 2nd editions (John Wiley & Sons, 2009, 2014)
Music Composition for Dummies, 1st and 2nd editions (John Wiley & Sons, 2008, 2021)
People in the News: Shakira (Thomson-Gale/Lucent Books, 2007)
Music Theory for Dummies, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th editions (John Wiley & Sons, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019)
Le Solfège Pour Les Nuls (Editions Générales First, 2007, 2019)