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Thomas Fisher

Thomas Fisher is a Professor in the School of Architecture, Director of the Minnesota Design Center, and former Dean of the College of Design at the University of Minnesota. A graduate of Cornell University in architecture and Case Western Reserve University in intellectual history, he was the Editorial Director of Progressive Architecture magazine and was recognized in 2005 as the fifth most published architecture writer in the United States. He has written over 50 book chapters or introductions and over 400 articles in professional journals and major publications.

Recent & Notable Works



The Architecture of Ethics (Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2018)

Designing our Way to a Better World (University of Minnesota Press, 2016)

Designing to Avoid Disaster: The Nature of Fracture-Critical Design (Routledge, 2013)

The Invisible Element of Place: The Architecture of David Salmela (University of Minnesota Press, 2011)

Ethics for Architects: 50 Dilemmas of Professional Practice (Princeton Architectural Press, 2010)

Architectural Design and Ethics: Tools for Survival (The Architectural Press/Elsevier, 2008)

Designing for Designers: Lessons Learned from Schools of Architecture, co-editor with Jack Nasar and Wolfgang Preiser (Fairchild Publications, 2008)

Lake/Flato: Buildings & Landscapes (Rockport Press, 2005)

Salmela, Architect (University of Minnesota Press, 2005)

In the Scheme of Things: Alternative Thinking on the Practice of Architecture (University of Minnesota Press, 2000)

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