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Annette Gagliardi

Annette Gagliardi is a poet whose work has appeared in literary journals in Canada, England, and the US. Her first full-length poetry collection, titled A Short Supply of Viability, was published through The Poetry Box. Gagliardi notices the intricate details of lives lived around her. She notices the dimensions of nature, time, and the human condition and tries to understand this world and share that understanding with others. The fact that she quilts, gardens, serves tea parties, cares for children, cans, and bakes provides grist for the poems and stories she creates.

Recent & Notable Works

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Ponderosa Pines: Days of the Deadwood Forest Fire (Pocahontas Press, 2022)

A Short Supply of Viability (The Poetry Box, 2022)

Proper Poems for Proper Ladies…and a few naughty ones too, chapbook (We Sisters LLC, 2019; 2nd ed. 2022)

Upon Waking: 58 Voices Speaking Out from the Shadow of Abuse, co-creator, co-editor, and contributor (League of Minnesota Poets, 2019)

Resourceful Erica (Dorrance Press, 2014)

The Three Betty Goats Griff (Createspace, 2010)

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