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Bonnie Graves
Author of children’s books, both fiction and non-fiction, and professional books on teaching reading, Bonnie Graves spent her growing-up years in Southern California. There she romped through childhood with her boy cousins and their pals and in her preteen years wrote and produced plays for family and neighbors. A former elementary school teacher, her work has been honored with Work-in-Progress grants from SCBWI and the Minnesota Arts Board, first place in literary contests sponsored by the Loft, and the Pacific Northwest Writers Association. Her chapter book, Taking Care of Trouble, received a South Carolina Children’s Choice Award. Catch Me When I Fall is her first work of historical fiction. She lives in Bloomington, Minnesota.
Recent & Notable Works

Catch Me When I Fall (Fitzroy Books, 2019)
Adventure Underground, co-author (Perfection Learning, 2006)
Heroes of Beesville, co-author (Perfection Learning, 2006)
Fiesta, co-author (Perfection Learning, 2006)
Taking Care of Trouble (Dutton, 2002)
No Copycats Allowed! (Hyperion Books for Children, 1998)
California Condor: Flying Free (Perfection Learning, 1998)
Mystery of the Tooth Gremlin (Hyperion Books for Children, 1997)
Scaffolding Reading Experiences: Designs for Student Success, 2nd ed., with Michael Graves (Christopher-Gordon, 2003)
Teaching Reading in the 21st Century, editions 1-6, co-author (Pearson, 1998-2018)
The Whooping Crane (Perfection Learning, 1997)
The Best Worst Day (Hyperion Books for Children, 1996)
Life Matters Series
Fitness (Capstone Press, 2000)
Tattooing and Body Piercing (Capstone Press, 2000)
Anorexia (Capstone Press, 2000)
Bulimia (Capstone Press, 2000)