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Patrick Cabello Hansel
Patrick Cabello Hansel is the author of the poetry collections The Devouring Land, Quitting Time, and the forthcoming Breathing in Minneapolis. He has published poems and prose in over 85 journals, including Crannog, Ilanot Review, Hawai’i Pacific Review, and Lunch Ticket, and won awards from the Loft Literary Center and Minnesota State Arts Board. His novella Searching was serialized in 33 issues of The Alley News. He is the editor of The Phoenix of Phillips, a literary journal by and for the most diverse community in Minneapolis. He has taught writing in elementary and high schools, with seniors and 1st generation immigrants.
Recent & Notable Works

Breathing in Minneapolis (Finishing Line Press, 2023)
Quitting Time (Atmosphere Press, 2021)
The Devouring Land (Main Street Rag Publishing, 2019)