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Krista Finstad Hanson

Krista Finstad Hanson is a writer and historian. She is the author of two travel guides to museums in historic houses: Minnesota Open House and Wisconsin’s Historic Houses and Living History Museums. She has written a children’s science textbook, The Great Barrier Reef: A Natural Wonder and has also written freelance, nonfiction articles and essays specializing in general history, architectural history, and travel. Hanson has a B.A. in English from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and a MEd in English Education from the University of Minnesota. She holds a 7-12 grade English/Language Arts and an Adult Basic Education teaching license. She works as an English teacher to adult refugee and immigrant learners and as a writer and historian. She lives with her family in Ramsey County.

Recent & Notable Works



Minnesota Open House (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2007)

The Great Barrier Reef: A Natural Wonder (The Creative Companies, 2004)

Wisconsin’s Historic Houses and Living History Museums (Prairie Oak Press, 2000)

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