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Margaret Hasse

Margaret Hasse’s collections of lyric poems are grounded in the prairies and towns of the Midwest. Her poetry has been published in unusual community locations, such as on the sidewalks and on metro transit in Saint Paul. As a teaching poet, she’s conducted residencies in schools and communities statewide, taught in prisons, offered workshops, and been a mentor to other poets. Her work has won many awards, such as from the Minnesota State Arts Board, Loft-McKnight, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Recent & Notable Works

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Hasse_Book Cover_2018


The Call of Glacier Park (Finishing Line Press, 2022)

Summoned: poems (Nodin Press, 2021)

Shelter (Nodin Press, 2020)

Stars Above, Stars Below (Nodin Press, 2018 / New Rivers Press, 1994)

Between Us (Nodin Press, 2016)

Earth’s Appetite (Nodin Press, 2013)

Milk and Tides (Nodin Press, 2008)

In a Sheep’s Eye, Darling (Milkweed Editions, 1988)

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