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Geoff Herbach

Geoff Herbach is the author of ten books, many for young adult audiences, including the award-winning Stupid Fast series (one of the books, Nothing Special, won the Minnesota Book Award). He focuses on writing things for kids who don’t want to read (not a great commercial choice, maybe!). When not writing, Herbach is teaching writing. He works with fiction and screenwriters at Minnesota State University, Mankato, both at the grad and undergrad level. He takes great joy in working with aspiring writers of all ages. In the old days, he wrote and performed comedy for stage and radio and drove around the country telling weird stories in rock clubs.

Recent & Notable Works



Cracking the Bell, A Novel (Katherine Tegan Books/HarperCollins, 2019)

Hooper, A Novel (Katherine Tegan Books/HarperCollins, 2018)

Hair-pocalypse (Capstone Press, 2017)

Strange Times, The Ghost in the Girl, A Novel, with Tom DeLonge (To The Stars, 2016)

Anything You Want, A Novel (Sourcebooks, 2016)

Fat Boy Versus The Cheerleaders, A Novel (Sourcebooks, 2014)

I’m With Stupid, A Novel (Sourcebooks, 2013)

Nothing Special, A Novel (Sourcebooks, 2012)

Stupid Fast, A Novel (Sourcebooks, 2011)

The Miracle Letters of T. Rimberg, A Novel (Three Rivers Press/Random House, 2008)

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