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Jane King Hession

Jane King Hession is an architectural historian with an interest in 20th-century design. She earned her M.Arch from the University of Minnesota. In her writing, she strives to understand architecture within the contexts of the lives and times of its creators. Her work has been supported by grants from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts and the Getty Research Institute. Her books John H. Howe: From Taliesin Apprentice to Master of Organic Design and Elizabeth Scheu Close: A Life in Modern Architecture were Minnesota Book Award finalists. The book Elizabeth Scheu Close received a 2024 Modernism in America Award of Excellence from Docomomo US.

Recent & Notable Works



Elizabeth Scheu Close: A Life in Modern Architecture (University of Minnesota Press, 2020)

John H. Howe, Architect: From Taliesin Apprentice to Master of Organic Design, with Tim Quigley (University of Minnesota Press, 2015)

The Frank Lloyd Wright House in Ebsworth Park: The Kraus House (Pomegranate Communications, 2015)

Frank Lloyd Wright in New York: The Plaza Years, 1954-1959 (Gibbs Smith, 2007)

Ralph Rapson: Sixty Years of Modern Design (Afton Historical Society Press, 1999)

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