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Wing Young Huie
In his 40-year career, photographer Wing Young Huie has captured the complex cultural realities of American society. He has exhibited nationally and internationally, and his best-known projects, Lake Street USA and The University Avenue Project, transformed Twin Cities’ thoroughfares into six-mile galleries, reflecting the everyday lives of thousands of its citizens. Chinese-ness: The Meanings of Identity and the Nature of Belonging, his most personal book, was awarded a 2019 Minnesota Book Award. It is in classrooms and non-arts venues where his work has also had a deep impact, showing the many ways he’s photographically engaged thousands of strangers.
Recent & Notable Works

Chinese-ness: The Meanings of Identity and the Nature of Belonging (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2018)
Their Great Gift (Lerner Publishing Group, 2016)
The University Avenue Project: The Language of Urbanism: Volume 2 (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2010)
The University Avenue Project: The Language of Urbanism: Volume 1 (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2010)
Looking for Asian America: An Ethnocentric Tour by Wing Young Huie (University of Minnesota Press, 2007)
Lake Street USA (Ruminator Books Press, 2001)
Frogtown: Photographs and Conversations in an Urban Neighborhood (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1996)