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Rob Jung
Rob Jung was born in the wine country of California, grew up in a Mississippi River town in Wisconsin, and was educated in the Minnesota state university system and Harvard Law School. He was a newspaper writer while getting his undergraduate degree at Winona State University. A life-long student of history, geography, and religion, Jung’s stories often find their origins in historical events from countries outside the U.S. He also lists among his “credits”: inventor, entrepreneur, gourmet chef, master gardener, fishing guide, and storyteller. His best work: three grown children, four grandchildren, and one great grandchild. Jung lives in suburban Saint Paul with his wife, Kathy. (Rob Jung is the pen name of Robert W. Junghans. He also writes under the name “C.J. Rakham.”)
Recent & Notable Works

The Sower (Hawk Hill Literary, 2021)
The Reaper (Hawk Hill Literary, 2019)
Cloud Warriors (John Hunt Publishing, 2019)