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Benjamin Klas

Benjamin Klas spends his days falling helplessly through research wormholes from which he emerges knowing about medieval bridge building, German comfort food, blown head gaskets, and the mating habits of reptiles – all of which are necessary for a good story. His first book, Second Dad Summer, and its sequel, Everything Together, won several awards including the Silver and Gold Nautilus awards respectively. When he isn’t clacking the keys of his laptop, you can find him assembling Lego dioramas, learning complicated board games, feeding a sassy flock of urban chickens, and playing the ukulele. He lives in Saint Paul with his partner and son – his two bluntest critics.

Recent & Notable Works

Version 1.0.0


Everything Together: a Second Dad Wedding (Red Chair/One Elm, 2021)

Second Dad Summer (Red Chair/One Elm, 2020)

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