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Janna Knittel

Janna Knittel is the author of Real Work, a finalist for the 2023 Minnesota Book Award in poetry, and the chapbook Fish & Wild Life. Knittel has also published poems in Blue Mountain Review, Conduit, Constellations, North Dakota Quarterly, Pleiades, The Trumpeter, and The Wild Word as well as the following anthologies: Waters Deep: A Great Lakes Anthology; The Experiment Will Not Be Bound; and Broad Wings, Long Legs: A Rookery of Heron Poems. Knittel has taught literature and writing classes at colleges and universities in Oregon, Kansas, and Minnesota and also teaches creative writing workshops.

Recent & Notable Works

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Real Work (Nodin Press, 2022)

Fish & Wild Life, Chapbook (Finishing Line Press, 2018)

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