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Michelle Leon

Michelle Leon is a writer, musician, and teacher for Saint Paul Public Schools. She was the bass player for the influential punk band Babes in Toyland from 1987 to 1992 and again in 1997. Her writing has appeared in City Pages, the music essay compilation The First Time I Heard David Bowie, Saint Paul Almanac, and other publications. Her book, I Live Inside: Memoirs of a Babe in Toyland, was a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award — Memoir & Creative Nonfiction. Leon holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College. She currently plays bass and sings in the band The Fox Loves and lives on the east side of Saint Paul with her husband, two children, and two dogs.

Recent & Notable Works



I Live Inside: Memoirs of a Babe in Toyland (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2016)

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