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Claudia May

Claudia May, Ph.D., is a poet, educator, and an award-winning author. Her children’s book, When I Fly With Papa, received a gold medal at the 2019 Illumination Book Awards in the Enduring Light Christian Children’s Book Category, a gold medal in the Midwest Book Awards’ Religion/Philosophy/Spirituality category, and first place in the 2019 Purple Dragonfly Award Category: Picture Books, 6 and Older. Her recent poetic work, “Slice,” published in Families, Systems, & Health, explores how nineteenth century African American slave mothers endured invasive surgeries after surviving arduous labors. May received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley and is a specialist in African American, Caribbean, and Ethnic American literature.

Recent & Notable Works

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Birthing Butterflies (Finishing Line Press, 2024)

When I Fly With Papa (Wise Ink Creative Publishing, 2019)

Jesus is Enough: Love, Hope, and Comfort in the Storms of Life (Augsburg Books, 2005)

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