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Judy McConnell

Judy McConnell’s writing career took off after retirement at age 70. Since then she has published three books: two memoirs about growing up in Minneapolis in the forties and fifties and a novel that depicts the rise of the local feminist movement during the national upheaval of the sixties and seventies. Her novel has been written up is several local newspapers. After obtaining a B.A. in Creative Writing at the University of Southern California and a master’s degree in Training & Development from the University of Minnesota, she went on to career as a Training Specialist and writer of training manuals. She currently gives presentations on writing and editing throughout the state and presents her books at book clubs and senior residences.

Recent & Notable Works

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Dreamhouse (Yorkford Press, 2017)

Just Keep Shooting: My Youth in Manhattan. Memoir of a Midwestern Girl in the 1950s and 1960s (Yorkford Press, 2016)

A Penny a Kiss: Memoir of a Minnesota Girl in the 1940s and 1950s (North Star Press, 2014)

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