Middle Grade
Middle Grade writers from Minnesota.

Minda Gomez
Minda Gomez lives in Minnesota with her husband and three spunky bilingual kids. Their family has created their own brand of “Mexigringo” as they blend their Papi’s Mexican culture with their Mami’s Minnesotan culture. Gomez is a teacher of English Learners at a local elementary school. She has taught second grade in Mexico and volunteered…

Benjamin Klas
Benjamin Klas spends his days falling helplessly through research wormholes from which he emerges knowing about medieval bridge building, German comfort food, blown head gaskets, and the mating habits of reptiles – all of which are necessary for a good story. His first book, Second Dad Summer, and its sequel, Everything Together, won several awards…

Deb Mercier
Deb Mercier is the author of multiple books for young readers across a wide span of ages and genres, including choose-your-path mysteries, historical fiction, YA fantasy, and non-fiction. She’s an award-winning journalist, a technical writer, and the mom of two grown (and fabulous) kids. She lives in Alexandria, MN with her husband, dogs, and outdoor…

Freeman Ng
Freeman Ng is a former Google software engineer and the author of Bridge Across the Sky (a YA verse novel based on the Chinese immigration experience through Angel Island), Basho’s Haiku Journeys (a haiku picture book), The House We Sheltered in and the Masks We Wore (a pandemic picture book), Joan (a novel of Joan…

Scott Dikkers
Scott Dikkers founded TheOnion.com and co-wrote its bestselling books. Widely regarded as one of the most influential pioneers in comedy, his visionary leadership at The Onion, his groundbreaking comic strip Jim’s Journal, and his multiple top-10 comedy podcasts have earned him millions of fans all over the world. Rolling Stone named him one of its…

Thomas Kingsley Troupe
Thomas Kingsley Troupe is the author of the Furry & Flo series along with over 300 other fiction and non-fiction books for kids. When he’s not writing, he enjoys reading, watching movies, dabbling in stand-up comedy, and investigating haunted places with the Twin Cities Paranormal Society. Otherwise, he’s probably taking a nap or something. He…

Ursula Murray Husted
Ursula Murray Husted is a graphic novelist who received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, MFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, and BFA from Marshall University. (Photo credit: Bryan Bornmueller)

Liz Heinecke
Liz Heinecke thrives at the intersection of science and the arts. With an undergraduate degree in art, a master’s degree in bacteriology, and 10 years of laboratory research, Heinecke shares her love of science regularly on television, on social media, and in print. Her book, Ecology for Kids: Science Experiments and Activities Inspired by Awesome…

Tashia Hart
Tashia Hart is an author, culinary ethnobotanist, artist, photographer, and cook. Her wild foods education started in the field and in the kitchen with a father who fishes, hunts, and harvests; a mom who cherishes plants, and a grandmother who was a career cook and baker. Hart has led foraging expeditions and developed recipes for…

Matthew Eicheldinger
Matt Eicheldinger wasn’t always a writer. He spent most of his childhood playing soccer, reading comics, and trying his best to stay out of trouble. Little did he know those moments would ultimately help craft his first middle grade novel. Eicheldinger lives in Minnesota with his wife and two children and tries to create new…