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Jeff Moravec

Jeff Moravec has spent more than 30 years and nearly 500 nights in a tent exploring the outdoors in Minnesota from the North Shore of Lake Superior and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, to the tallgrass prairie and blufflands in the state’s southern region. An accomplished writer and wildlife photographer, Moravec writes for the Star Tribune and is author of Minnesota Adventure Weekends. Moravec has also written about and photographed the northern lights in Iceland, the lions of the Serengeti (Tanzania, Africa), and the windswept shorelines of Scotland and Ireland. He has spent decades as a volunteer for the Superior Hiking Trail Association and other outdoors organizations in Minnesota, working to protect, maintain, and improve the state’s natural resources.

Recent & Notable Works



Minnesota Adventure Weekends: Your Guide to the Best Outdoor Getaways (Menasha Ridge Press, 2019)

To Win, Play Boldly with David Hubers (Beaver’s Pond Press, 2015)

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