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Mai Neng Moua

Mai Neng Moua is a writer spinning tales of what it means to be Hmong in America. Her memoir is titled The Bride Price: A Hmong Wedding Story. She is the founder of Paj Ntaub Voice, the Hmong literary arts journal where she published more than 200 artists, and the editor of Bamboo Among the Oaks: Contemporary Writing by Hmong Americans. Her writings appear in publications such as Healing by Heart, Where One Voice Ends Another Begins, and We are the Freedom People. Her awards include the Bush Artist Fellowship, the Jerome Travel Grant, and the Minnesota State Arts Board’s Artist Initiative Grant. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two girls.

Recent & Notable Works



The Bride Price: A Hmong Wedding Story (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2017)

Bamboo Among the Oaks (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2002)

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