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Mark Neužil

Mark Neužil (pronounced NEW-zhul) is professor of journalism at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul and the author, co-author, or editor of eight books. He received a B.A. in journalism and political science from Iowa State University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Neužil is a frequent writer and speaker on environmental issues. He was a Fulbright Scholar at Charles University in Prague, CZ, and the Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota-Morris. His colleagues at St. Thomas voted him professor of the year in 2013. His professional career includes working as a reporter and editor for the Associated Press, the Star Tribune, and other newspapers.

Recent & Notable Works



Biodiversity, Conservation, and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin, editor, with Eric Freedman (Routledge UK, 2018)

Canoes: A Natural History in North America, with Norman Sims (University of Minnesota Press, 2016)

Environmental Crises in Central Asia: From Steppes to Seas, from Deserts to Glaciers, with Eric Freedman (Routledge UK, 2016)

The Environment and the Press: From Adventure Writing to Advocacy (Northwestern University Press, 2008)

A Spiritual Field Guide: Meditations for the Outdoors, with Bernard Brady (Brazos Press, 2005)

Views on the Mississippi: The Photographs of Henry Peter Bosse (University of Minnesota Press, 2001)

Writing Across the Media, with Kristie Bunton, Thomas Connery, Stacey Kanihan, and David Nimmer (Bedford/St. Martin’s/MacMillan Learning, 1999)

Mass Media and Environmental Conflict: America’s Green Crusades, with William Kovarik (Sage Publications, 1996)

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