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Brett Ortler

Brett Ortler is a writer and an editor from just north of the Twin Cities. He is the author of 10 books, including everything from a poetry collection, Lessons of the Dead, to nonfiction books pertaining to fireflies, mosquitoes, and ship watching on the Great Lakes. His essays, poetry, and articles appear widely, including in HuffPost, Salon, Fatherly, Ascent, The Fanzine, The Nervous Breakdown, and many other venues. He is the former editor of Knockout Literary Magazine, and a former poetry editor of Willow Springs. He founded and edits Gray Duck Press.

Recent & Notable Works



Lessons of the Dead (Fomite, 2019)

Outer Space Activity Book (Adventure Publications, 2017)

Surviving Minnesota Winter: A Guide for Newcomers & Residents Alike (Adventure Publications, 2015)

Dinosaur Discovery Activity (Lake 7 Creative, 2015)

Minnesota “Believe It or Not” History (Adventure Publications, 2015)

A Beginner’s Guide to Ship Watching on the Great Lakes (Adventure Publications, 2015)

Animal Tracks Activity Book (Adventure Publications, 2015)

Minnesota Trivia Don’tcha Know! (Adventure Publications, 2014)

The Mosquito Book: An Entertaining, Fact-filled Look at the Dreaded Pesky Bloodsuckers (Adventure Publications, 2014)

The Fireflies Book: Fun Facts About the Fireflies You Loved as a Kid (Adventure Publications, 2014)

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