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Priscilla Paton

Priscilla Paton, an award-nominated author, writes the Twin Cities Mystery Series set in the greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area: Where Privacy Dies, Should Grace Fail, and When the House Burns. Paton grew up on a dairy farm in Maine. She received a B.A. from Bowdoin College, a Ph.D. in English Literature from Boston College, was a college professor, and taught in Kansas, Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Minnesota. She has also published a children’s book, Howard and the Sitter Surprise, and a scholarly book on New England poets and artists, Abandoned New England. She lives with her husband, a descendent of Norwegian immigrants, in Northfield, Minnesota, and participates in regional community advocacy and literacy programs.

Recent & Notable Works



When the House Burns (forthcoming in 2023)

Should Grace Fail (Coffeetown Press, 2020)

Where Privacy Dies (Coffeetown Press, 2018)

Abandoned New England: Landscape in the Works of Homer, Frost, Hopper, Wyeth, and Bishop (University Press of New England, 2003)

Howard and the Sitter Surprise (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1996)

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