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Yvonne Pearson

Yvonne Pearson is a writer and clinical social worker who lives in Minneapolis. Her most recent picture book, Little Loon Finds His Voice, won a PubWest Silver Design Award and is a 2021 finalist for Foreword Indie Picture Book of the Year. Her first picture book, Sadie Braves the Wilderness, was published in 2017. She has published 20 non-fiction books for children, and her poetry has appeared in a variety of publications. Pearson is a 2018 Loft-McKnight Writing Fellow, has received a Loft Creative Non-Fiction Award, the Shabo Award in children’s literature, and two Minnesota State Arts Board grants. She has also written for newspapers and magazines.

Recent & Notable Works



How Do We Classify Materials (Pebble/Capstone, 2022)

Little Loon Finds His Voice (Collective Book Studio, 2021)

Celebrate Constitution Day (Pebble/Capstone, 2019)

Celebrate Presidents’ Day (Pebble/Capstone, 2019)

Amazing Animal Architects of the Water (Pebble/Capstone, 2018)

Sadie Braves the Wilderness (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2017)

The Chilean Miners: Buried Alive (Momentum, 2016)

12 Great Tips on Writing Poetry (12-Story Library, 2016)

Rev Up Your Writing in Fictional Stories (Child’s World, 2015)

More than Just a Place to Go: How Developmental Assets Can Help Your Youth Program (Search Institute, 2004)

The Way Home: A Collective Memoir of the Hazelden Experience (Hazelden Information and Educational Services, 1997)

Playing with Words Series (Child’s World, 2016)

A Bird in a Nest in a Tree: Teaching Nouns

Cows, Horses and Sheep: Teaching Plural Words

In and Out: Teaching Prepositions

Smelly, Stinky Skunk: Teaching Adjectives

Poetry Party Series (Child’s World, 2015)


Prose Poems

Narrative Poems

Concrete Poems

Readleaf Guide for Parents Series (Redleaf Press, 2005)

Not Just a Babysitter: Making Childcare Work for You

Behavior Matters: Making Childcare Work for You

Get Ready to Read: Making Childcare Work for You

Get Ready for Math: Making Childcare Work for You

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