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Carolyn Porter

Carolyn Porter is a graphic designer and self-professed typography geek who designed the award-winning P22 Marcel Script font. The book Marcel’s Letters recounts Porter’s search for information on Marcel Heuzé, the man who penned the letters that were used as the basis for the font. Letters, she would come to learn, that had been mailed from a Nazi labor camp in Berlin in 1943-44. Marcel’s Letters was a 2018 Minnesota Book Award finalist. Awards include a 2018 IPPY gold medal for Best First Book Nonfiction, a 2018 gold medal for Memoir/Biography from Military Writers Society of America, and the Biography/Autobiography/Memoir category at the 2018 Paris Book Festival. Porter graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Recent & Notable Works



Marcel’s Letters: A Font and the Search for One Man’s Fate (Skyhorse Publishing, 2017)

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