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Lizbeth Selvig

Lizbeth Selvig writes fun, sexy-sweet contemporary romance. Her strong, fun, and funny characters don’t mind poking at societal norms even while finding their ways home to family and love. Her novels have won the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart and been nominated for the organization’s prestigious RITA award. Selvig shares life in Minnesota, where her first book series is set, with her husband Jan, an Arabian gelding named Jedi, a Quarter horse named Largo, and two human grandchildren. Her four-legged grandbabies, of which there are over 30, include two goats, three alpacas, a mammoth-eared donkey, two miniature horses, a pig, and multiple dogs, cats, and regular-sized horses. In her spare time she loves to hike, quilt, read, and horseback ride.

Recent & Notable Works



Missing By a Heartbeat (Webster Publishing, 2017)

Betting on Paradise (Webster Publishing, 2017)

The Bride Wore Starlight (Avon Impulse/HarperCollins Publishers, 2016)

The Bride Wore Denim (Avon Impulse/HarperCollins Publishers, 2015)

The Bride Wore Red Boots (Avon Impulse/HarperCollins Publishers, 2015)

Good Guys Wear Black (Avon Impulse/HarperCollins Publishers, 2014)

Beauty and the Brit (Avon Impulse/HarperCollins Publishers, 2014)

Rescued by a Stranger (Avon Impulse/HarperCollins Publishers, 2013)

The Rancher and the Rock Star (Avon Impulse/HarperCollins Publishers, 2012)

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