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Jane St. Anthony
Jane St. Anthony’s first middle-grade book, The Summer Sherman Loved Me, was followed by Grace Above All, Isabelle Day Refuses to Die of a Broken Heart (Minnesota Book Award Finalist and winner of the Midwest Booksellers Choice Award for Young Adult and Middle Grade), and Whatever Normal Is. For several years St. Anthony has taught at conferences for young writers, including Success Beyond the Classroom (held at Bethel College) and Young Authors/Young Artists Conference (College of St. Benedict). She has written and edited for nonprofit and corporate clients, and loves her job as a high school writing tutor.
Recent & Notable Works

Whatever Normal Is (University of Minnesota Press, 2019)
Isabelle Day Refuses to Die of a Broken Heart (University of Minnesota Press, 2015)
Grace Above All (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2007)
The Summer Sherman Loved Me (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2006)