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Sharon Stiteler

Sharon Stiteler has made it her goal to get paid to go birding. From bird surveys, to guiding, to writing, her life is all about birds. She currently works as a National Park Ranger and still writes in her spare time. Besides her books she’s written for Audubon Magazine, The Washington Post, Outdoor News, and British Bird Watch. In her spare time she keeps bees and adapts the works of Chuck Tingle for the stage.

Recent & Notable Works

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Good Birders Still Don’t Wear White: 50 Tips From North America’s Top Birders (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017)

1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know: Tips and Trivia for the Backyard and Beyond (Running Press, 2013)

City Birds, Country Birds: How Anyone Can Attract Birds to Their Feeder (Adventure Keen Publications, 2008)

Disapproving Rabbits (Harper Collins, 2006)

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