Captured at Project for Pride in Living on 25 Oct, 2022 by Alex Carroll Photography.



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Emily Strasser

Emily Strasser’s first book, Half-Life of a Secret, is a deeply researched memoir that traces her journey to reckon with the toxic legacies of her grandfather’s work building nuclear weapons in the atomic city of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Strasser’s work has appeared in Catapult, Ploughshares, Guernica, Colorado Review, The Bitter Southerner, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and Gulf Coast, among others. Her writing has been honored by grants, awards, and fellowships including the Olive B. O’Connor and McKnight fellowships, and grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board and the Jerome Foundation. Strasser is based in Minneapolis, where she received her MFA from the University of Minnesota.

Recent & Notable Works



Half-Life of a Secret: Reckoning with a Hidden History (University Press of Kentucky, 2023)

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