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Jasmine Stringer

Jasmine Stringer was living her life on autopilot, without vision or purpose, until she was given an unexpected gift. She was laid off! As she said goodbye to her “corporate gig,” she seized her life and got it “JAZZ’ed UP!” She found ways to connect with herself and others through DIY projects, style, entertaining, and travel on a budget. Stringer, award-winning author of Seize Your Life: How to Carpe Diem Every Day, works as a keynote speaker and is principal of JB Stringer LLC. She graduated from American University’s Kogod School of Business in Washington, D.C. Ebony Magazine featured her as a “30 Future Leaders Under the Age of 30 in America.” She is based in Minneapolis, but can often be found two hours south of the city working with her husband Roger at the family farm.

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Seize Your Life: How to Carpe Diem Every Day (Wise Ink Creative Publishing, 2016)

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