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Lauren Stringer

Lauren Stringer creates paintings, drawings, and books in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her first illustrated picture book, Mud, won an IRA Children’s Choice Award, Crayola Kids Best Book of the Year Award, and was declared a “Flying Starts” by Publisher’s Weekly. Since Mud, Stringer has written and illustrated many celebrated picture books. Her book When Stravinsky Met Nijinsky received the McKnight Artist Fellowship for Writers and was named a Booklist Top Ten Art Book and an ALA Notable Book. Stringer was awarded a second McKnight Artist Fellowship for Writers for her manuscript An Abundance of Light: The Story of Matisse in Morocco.

Recent & Notable Works

Stringer_cover_2022 Dark


An Abundance of Light, The Story of Matisse in Morocco (forthcoming from Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, 2024)

The Dark Was Done (Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, 2022)

Looking for Smile (Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, 2020),

The Shape of the World, A Portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright (Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, 2017)

Yellow Time (Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, 2016)

Deer Dancer (Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, 2014)

When Stravinsky Met Nijinsky, Two Artists, Their Ballet, and One Extraordinary Riot (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013)

Tell Me About Your Day Today (Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, 2012)

The Princess and Her Panther (Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, 2010)

Snow (Harcourt, Inc., 2008)

Winter is the Warmest Season (Harcourt, Inc., 2006)

Fold Me A Poem (Harcourt, Inc., 2005)

Our Family Tree, An Evolution Story (Harcourt, Inc., 2003)

Castles, Caves, and Honeycombs (Harcourt, Inc., 2001)

Red Rubber Boot Day (Harcourt, Inc., 2000)

Scarecrow (Harcourt, Inc., 1998)

Mud (Harcourt, Inc., 1996)

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