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Susan Thurston

Susan Thurston’s grandfather loved a poem she wrote in second grade, and within the glow of his appreciation, she decided to become a writer. Later, a well-meaning adult mentioned that as a journalist, she could earn her living. She became a reporter and editor, but wouldn’t really say what she earned was a living. She did get to work with some of the finest people she has ever known. Along the way, she has created and produced adult education programs, traveled in search of her soul-deep home, mothered two fabulous kids, learned to make really good bread, and flown in a hot air balloon. And always — writing. She has co-authored a cookbook, published the novel Sister of Grendel, and taken a few plays from page to stage. She is the executive editor of The Black Hat Press.

Recent & Notable Works



Sister of Grendel (The Black Hat Press, 2016)

Cooking Up the Good Life: Creative Recipes for the Family Table (University of Minnesota Press, 2011)

Wild Bone Season (Heywood Press, 1992)

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