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Artika Tyner

Dr. Artika Tyner is a passionate educator, award-winning author, sought after speaker, and advocate for justice. She is committed to empowering others to lead within their respective spheres of influence. Tyner provides leadership development and career coaching for young professionals. She has also developed leadership educational materials for K-12 students, college/graduate students, faith communities, and nonprofits.

Recent & Notable Works

Tyner_cover_2022 amanda-gorman
Tyner_cover_2021 Kwanzaa
Tyner_cover_2021 inclusive-leader


Reimagining Police: The Future of Public Safety (Twenty-First Century Books/Lerner Publishing Group, 2023)

Amanda Gorman: Inspiring Hope with Poetry (Lerner Publications, 2022)

Stacey Abrams: Champion of Democracy (Lerner Publications, 2022)

Kwanzaa (Capstone Publishing, 2021)

The Inclusive Leader: Taking Intentional Action for Justice and Equity (American Bar Association, 2021)

Stand Up and Be Counted (Room to Read, 2020)

Black Lives Matter: From Hashtag to the Streets (Lerner Publications, 2020)

Black Voter Suppression: The Fight for the Right to Vote (Lerner Publications, 2020)

Kofi Loves Music (Planting People Growing Justice Press, 2020)

So You Want to Be a U.S. Supreme Court Justice (Capstone Publishing, 2019)

Amazing Africa: A to Z, with Monica Habia (Planting People Growing Justice Press, 2018)

Joey and Grandpa Johnson’s Day in Rondo (In Black Ink, 2018)

Justice Makes A Difference: The Story of Miss Freedom Fighter, Esquire, with J. Milton (Planting People Growing Justice Press, 2017)

The Leader’s Journey: A Guide to Discovering the Leader Within (American Bar Association, 2015)

The Lawyer as Leader: How to Plant People and Grow Justice (American Bar Association, 2014)

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