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Elizabeth Verdick

Elizabeth Verdick writes a mix of nonfiction and fiction for children. Her main reading audience is toddlers and preschoolers. She has also written nonfiction for elementary-age kids. Verdick is a graduate of Hamline University’s MFA program in Writing for Children and Young Adults, and she has taught picture-book writing classes and done manuscript critiques to help other writers with their craft.

Recent & Notable Works



Bike and Trike (Paula Wiseman Books/Simon & Schuster, 2020)
Small Walt and Mo the Tow (Paula Wiseman Books/Simon & Schuster, 2018)
Worries Are Not Forever (Free Spirit Publishing, 2018)
Small Walt (Paula Wiseman Books/Simon & Schuster, 2017)
Voices Are Not for Yelling (Free Spirit Publishing, 2015)
Noses Are Not for Picking (Free Spirit Publishing, 2014)
Peep Leap (Two Lions Publishing, 2013)
The Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Free Spirit Publishing, 2012)
Mealtime (Free Spirit Publishing, 2011)
On-the-Go Time (Free Spirit Publishing, 2011)
Bedtime (Free Spirit Publishing, 2010)
Calm-Down Time (Free Spirit Publishing, 2010)
Manners Time (Free Spirit Publishing, 2009)
Sharing Time (Free Spirit Publishing, 2009)
Diapers Are Not Forever (Free Spirit Publishing, 2008)
Bye-Bye Time (Free Spirit Publishing, 2008)
Clean-Up Time (Free Spirit Publishing, 2008)
Listening Time (Free Spirit Publishing, 2008)
Naptime (Free Spirit Publishing, 2008)
Pacifiers Are Not Forever (Free Spirit Publishing, 2007)
Germs Are Not for Sharing (Free Spirit Publishing, 2006)
Tails Are Not for Pulling (Free Spirit Publishing, 2005)
Feet Are Not for Kicking (Free Spirit Publishing, 2004)
Words Are Not for Hurting (Free Spirit Publishing, 2004)
Teeth Are Not for Biting (Free Spirit Publishing, 2003)

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